
Skype – How to communicate using Skype

Duration: One hour 30 minutes.

Suitable for: Anyone wanting to discover or recap the basics of how to use Skype for video and voice calls, and develop a knowledge and understanding of extra features such as messaging, sending files, screen sharing and recording calls.

Objectives: To become proficient in using Skype, understand privacy options and develop a awareness of appropriate ways to use Skype for both personal and business use.

Course Content:

· Creating a Skype account

· What you need to get started with Skype

· Downloading Skype

· Creating and sharing a profile

· Privacy options

· Adding Contacts

· Making voice and video calls

· History – viewing conversations

· Sending instant messages

· Creating groups for conference calls

· Sending Files

· Sharing Screens

· Extra tools and Plugins

· Recording calls (or online tutorials)

Bespoke IT Training